Passeávamos pela Via dei Calzaiuoli rumo ao Duomo quando encontrámos esta pizzaria com o (original) nome de pizzÁ. Na altura havia uma grande fila e se tivéssemos passado a outra hora que não a do lanche teríamos entrado para comer.
No dia seguinte tínhamos que comer rápido porque tínhamos a visita da Galeria Uffizi e voltámos aqui. Há porta dois anuncios antigos de uma marca de cerveja italiana (a Poretti) dão as boas vindas.
We walked down Via dei Calzaiuoli towards the Duomo when we found this pizzaria with the (original) name of pizzÁ. At the time there was a big queue and if we had passed by it in another hour tan the snack time we would have entered to eat.
The next day we had to eat fast because we had to visit the Uffizi Gallery and we came back here. At the door there are two vintage ads for a brand of Italian beer (the Poretti) to welcome you.
The next day we had to eat fast because we had to visit the Uffizi Gallery and we came back here. At the door there are two vintage ads for a brand of Italian beer (the Poretti) to welcome you.
Na montra uma variedade de pizzas "al taglio" com dois preços diferentes consoante o tamanho e fome. Nós comemos a típica Margarita com fiambre porque na altura que fomos havia menos para escolher, quando saímos vimos outras variedades acabadas de sair do forno.
Há que ser honestos, não são as melhores pizzas de Florença, a massa não é fina e estaladiça pelo contrario e no caso da nossa havia mais molho de tomate que os restante ingredientes.
Não tem muitas mesas no primeiro patamar mas em cima havia, tens é que subir as escadas de tabuleiro na mão. Percebemos que era um sítio de muitos estudantes que querem comer rápido e barato. Nós pagámos 16,5€ pela refeição (os dois), a nossa porção de pizza foi a maior. O que é mesmo caro é a Coca-Cola, em média pedem-te 4€ num restaurante, aqui era ligeiramente mais barato.
In display a variety of pizzas "al taglio" with two different prices depending on the size and hunger. We ate a typical Margarita with ham because at the time we were there was less to choose from and when we left we saw other varieties fresh out of the oven.
I have to be honest, these are not the best pizzas in Florence, the dough is not thin and crispy on the contrary, and in the case of ours there was too much tomato sauce compared with the remaining ingredients.
Does not have many tables on the first level but on top there are more, you have to climb the stairs with the tray on your hands. We realized it was a site of many students who want to eat fast and cheap. We paid € 16.5 for the meal (for two), our portion of the pizza was the largest. What's really expensive is Coca-Cola, on average they charge 4€ in a restaurant here was slightly cheaper.
I have to be honest, these are not the best pizzas in Florence, the dough is not thin and crispy on the contrary, and in the case of ours there was too much tomato sauce compared with the remaining ingredients.
Does not have many tables on the first level but on top there are more, you have to climb the stairs with the tray on your hands. We realized it was a site of many students who want to eat fast and cheap. We paid € 16.5 for the meal (for two), our portion of the pizza was the largest. What's really expensive is Coca-Cola, on average they charge 4€ in a restaurant here was slightly cheaper.
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