Cada dia vejo posts noutros blogs sobre novos restaurantes, cafés ou pastelarias que abrem aqui e a ali prometendo ser o novo sitio da moda e quando entrei na pastelaria Garrett no Estoril comecei a pensar um pouco sobre o meu próprio blog e se deveria escrever mais sobre os sitios da moda ou sobre os que sobrevivem ás modas e se tornam lugares obrigatórios. Abriu as suas portas em 1934 e com Estoril no seu apogeu tornou-se na pastelaria de referência para os lanches das senhoras finas da linha.
Every day I see posts in other blogs about new restaurants, cafes or bakeries that open here and there promises to be the new site of fashion and when I entered the pastry Garrett at Estoril I started thinking a bit about my own blog and if I ought to write more about fashionable new places or those that survive through time and become mandatory places. Opened its doors in 1934 and Estoril at its peak in the pastry has become a reference for the tea time of fine ladies from the area.
Sempre teve uma decoração clássica e conservadora, continua fiel aos seus principios apesar de um pouco mais moderna. Para lanchar recomendo os scones com chá ou os seus croissants, aliás a sua pastelaria é tão boa que quase tudo é recomendável.
É muito famosa pelo seu bolo rei e chegámos a encomendar alguns bolos de aniversário de aqui que estavam muito bons. Também servem refeições e nas suas acolhedoras salas podemos ver várias gerações de uma familia: avós, mães, filhas, netas.
Always had a classic and conservative decor, remains faithful to his principles despite a bit more modern. To snack I would recommend the scones with tea or their croissants, incidentally it's pastry is so good that almost everything is recommended.
It is very famous for its "Bolo Rei" (a Christmas cake) and we got to order some birthday cakes here that were very good. Also serve meals and in its cozy rooms we can see several generations of a family: grandmothers, mothers, daughters, granddaughters.
It is very famous for its "Bolo Rei" (a Christmas cake) and we got to order some birthday cakes here that were very good. Also serve meals and in its cozy rooms we can see several generations of a family: grandmothers, mothers, daughters, granddaughters.
Website: http://garretestoril.pai.pt/
Morada: Avenida Nice 54, Estoril
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