O primeiro que visitámos em Rouen foi a sua catedral, chegámos antes de fechar e não conseguimos ver tudo mas ainda assim foi uma excelente experiência. A sua construção iniciou no século XII no local de uma basílica do século IV e outra igreja de estilo románico de XI e conserva o seu imponente estilo gótico mesmo depois de ter vivido reformas após varias guerras, furacões, raios, etc..
The first thing we visited in Rouen was its cathedral, we arrived before closing and we could not see everything but it was still a great experience. Its construction began in the twelfth century on the site of a basilica of the fourth century and another church of Romanesque style from the XI century and still retains its imposing Gothic style even after having lived through reforms after several wars, hurricanes, lightning, etc..
A sua fachada na Praça da Catedral tem um impressionante trabalho de detalhe e de esculturas que serviu de inspiração a alguns quadros de Monet. A sua espiral em ferro fundido mede 151 metros e durante quatro anos do século XIX foi considerado o edificio mais alto do mundo até ser ultrapassado pela Catedral de Colónia. O seu interior segue o linha gótica do exterior com os seus arcos ogivais.
Uma das minhas partes preferidas foi a rosácea numa das laterais, dizem que durante a segunda guerra mundial duas foram destruídas.
Na zona do coro estão os túmulos dos duques da Normandia incluindo Rollon que foi um importante líder dos vikings e que estabeleceu o ducado em 911. Está também o coração do rei Ricardo Coração de Leão contribuindo para a importância da Catedral que partilha restos mortais do emblemático monarca com a Abadia de Fontevraud.
Its façade in the Cathedral Square has an impressive detail work and sculptures that inspired some of Monet's paintings. Its cast iron spiral measures 151 meters and during four years of the nineteenth century was considered the tallest building in the world until overtaken by the Cologne Cathedral. The interior follows the line of the Gothic exterior with its ogival arches.
One of my favorite parts was the rosacea on one side, they say during world war two were destroyed.
In the choir area there are the tombs of the dukes of Normandy including Rollon who was an important leader of the Vikings and established the duchy in 911, also there is the heart of King Richard the Lionheart contributing to the importance of the Cathedral that shares remains of the emblematic monarch with the Fontevraud Abbey.
One of my favorite parts was the rosacea on one side, they say during world war two were destroyed.
In the choir area there are the tombs of the dukes of Normandy including Rollon who was an important leader of the Vikings and established the duchy in 911, also there is the heart of King Richard the Lionheart contributing to the importance of the Cathedral that shares remains of the emblematic monarch with the Fontevraud Abbey.
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