Saímos do Teatro de Comédia (ver post sobre La Chocita del Loro) tínhamos que decidir onde jantar, o lógico e habitual é reservar antes um restaurante mas os que fui tentando já estavam cheios, sexta-feira á noite em Madrid onde é que eu estava com a cabeça de deixar isto para última hora? Decidimos ir a um clássico: Don Jamon, ainda pensámos ir ao Museo del Jamón (o ultra-famoso) mas não sei porquê achei que o primeiro tinha melhor pinta.
We left the Comedy Theatre (see post about La Chocita del Loro) had to decide where to have dinner, the logical and usual is to book a restaurant before but I the ones I was trying were already full, Friday night in Madrid what was I thinking to leave this to the last minute? We decided to go to a classic: Don Jamon, still thought going to the Museo del Jamón (the ultra-famous) but do not know why I thought the first seemed better.
Morada: Gran Via 60
Metro: Santo Domingo
We left the Comedy Theatre (see post about La Chocita del Loro) had to decide where to have dinner, the logical and usual is to book a restaurant before but I the ones I was trying were already full, Friday night in Madrid what was I thinking to leave this to the last minute? We decided to go to a classic: Don Jamon, still thought going to the Museo del Jamón (the ultra-famous) but do not know why I thought the first seemed better.

Para poder dizer qual é o melhor teria que provar os dois, para já o Don Jamon serviu perfeitamente principalmente porque depois de um bom lanche só tivémos espaço para um prato de presunto com queijo e um "pulpo á la gallega". Qualquer um dos pratos estava bom, o presunto é óptimo o que faz com o que prato custe uns 14€ e o polvo estava tenrinho e saboroso.
Há sempre aquela regra de que se vês um restaurante com fotos da comida, passa longe mas neste caso acho que pode ser mais caro que outras opções mas pelo menos comes bem e ainda para mais fomos bem atendidos. Voltaria para mais um pratito de presunto com aquele queijo típico e umas cervejas.
To be able to tell which is the best would have to taste the two, for now Don Jamon served perfectly mainly because after a good afternoon snack we only had room for a plate of jamon and cheese and a "pulpo a la Gallega" (boiled octopus with paprika). Any of the dishes was good, the jamon is great which makes the dish cost about 14 € and the octopus was tender and tasty.
There's always that rule that if you see a restaurant with photos of the food, you just pass by but in this case I think it may be more expensive than other options but at least you eat well and even and in our case service was good. Would come back for another jamón tapa with that typical cheese and a few beers.
To be able to tell which is the best would have to taste the two, for now Don Jamon served perfectly mainly because after a good afternoon snack we only had room for a plate of jamon and cheese and a "pulpo a la Gallega" (boiled octopus with paprika). Any of the dishes was good, the jamon is great which makes the dish cost about 14 € and the octopus was tender and tasty.
There's always that rule that if you see a restaurant with photos of the food, you just pass by but in this case I think it may be more expensive than other options but at least you eat well and even and in our case service was good. Would come back for another jamón tapa with that typical cheese and a few beers.

Morada: Gran Via 60
Metro: Santo Domingo
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