Os comboios turísticos sempre levam a debates se realmente são a melhor maneira de conhecer uma cidade, eu pessoalmente não sou contra acho que eles servem um propósito que é dar a conhecer uma cidade como se fosse um guia turístico sobre rodas permitindo ver o principal sem ter que andar tanto a pé. Algo que valorizo por ter filhos ou quando mostrar uma cidade aos meus pais que já não estão com idade para grandes caminhadas. Foi a primeira o motivo de apanhar o comboio, qual é a criança que não gosta de andar num?
Tourist trains always lead to discussions if they really are the best way to know a city, I personally am not against them I think they serve a purpose which is to present a city like a tour guide on wheels so you can see the main monuments without to walking so much on foot. Something I value by having children or when to show a city to my parents who are no longer with age for long walks. It was because of the first that we took the train, which is the child who does not like to walk in?
Tourist trains always lead to discussions if they really are the best way to know a city, I personally am not against them I think they serve a purpose which is to present a city like a tour guide on wheels so you can see the main monuments without to walking so much on foot. Something I value by having children or when to show a city to my parents who are no longer with age for long walks. It was because of the first that we took the train, which is the child who does not like to walk in?

O passeio não foi muito longo e andámos pelos principais monumentos, começando pela Casa de Botines subindo a Calle Ancha até á Catedral de Santa Maria aqui damos a volta para chegar até á Basilica de San Isidoro e mais afastado do centro está o Convento de San Marcos agora Parador (Pousada). Passámos ainda pela estátua de Cristóvão Colombo e chegámos ao nosso ponto de partida junto á Praça de San Marcelo.
The tour was not too long and we walked by the main monuments, starting with the Casa de Botines up the Calle Ancha until the Cathedral of Santa Maria here we turned around to arrive to the Basilica of San Isidoro and farthest from the center is the Convent of San Marcos now Parador (Inn). We passed by the statue of Christopher Columbus and we arrived at our starting point near the Plaza de San Marcelo.
The tour was not too long and we walked by the main monuments, starting with the Casa de Botines up the Calle Ancha until the Cathedral of Santa Maria here we turned around to arrive to the Basilica of San Isidoro and farthest from the center is the Convent of San Marcos now Parador (Inn). We passed by the statue of Christopher Columbus and we arrived at our starting point near the Plaza de San Marcelo.

Our guide of:
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