Depois de visitar as várias salas de Imperadores e Imperatrizes do Hofburg era tempo para uma pausa e entre salas deixam-te entrar no seu café mas preferimos chegar até ao final da exposição, voltar á praça e entrar pela porta principal do Café Hofburg. Pareceu-nos ser dos mesmos do Café Residenz e do Museum pela carta que tinham, o seu interior era diferente mas seguia a mesma linha de conforto do último que mencionei. Conseguimos um sofá acolhedor junto a uma janela e o primeiro que pedimos foi um chá.
After visiting the various rooms of emperors and empresses of the Hofburg it was time for a break and between those rooms they let you come to their coffee but we chose to reach the end of the museum, exit to the square and enter by the front door of the Café Hofburg. It seemed to us to be the same Cafe Residenz and Museum because of its menu, its interior was different but followed the same line of comfort of the last one mentioned. We got a cozy sofa near a window and the first thing we ordered was a tea.
Os doces são de Landtmann o que significa que são todos bons mas como tínhamos ficado bem optámos por não pedir. Aqui servem o doce favorito do Imperador Franz Joseph, o Kaiserschmarrn é um prato de panquecas cortadas em troços com passas que se pode regar com chocolate ou geleia.
O outro ponto forte do Café Hofburg é a sua esplanada que alguns corajosos decidiram aproveitar embrulhados em mantas.
For a momento we had some regret about our decision in the land of coffee with two floors of cream it was not the best idea, but we wanted something lighter because after we would order lunch. We opted for the classic and famous Vienna's schnitzel, breaded steak that we asked to split and was enough for two people (we were not very hungry). It was a very crispy breaded and what I liked most was its side, the famous cold potato salad that gives more balance to the dish.
The sweets are from Landtmann which means they are all good but as we were full we opted not to order. Here they serve the favorite candy of Emperor Franz Joseph, the Kaiserschmarrn is a plate of pancakes cut into sections with raisins that you can sprinkle with chocolate or jelly.
The other strong point of the Café Hofburg is its terrace that some brave ones decided to take advantage wrapped in blankets.

Metro: Herrengasse
Our guide of
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