Quando pensas numa casa de Verão não consegues imaginar que seria o Schönbrunn mas pensando nessa funcionalidade que a Imperatriz Maria Teresa o mandou construir, ela que teve dezasseis filhos e mais que nenhum outro monarca precisava de algo tão grandioso. Tudo começou com um pequeno pavilhão de caça e sobre ele outro palácio que Leopoldo I tinha projetado para o seu filho mas foi o pai de Maria Teresa que lhe ofereceu e ela aproveitou para o transformar no que agora chamam"Versalhes de Viena". E é inevitável deixar de fazer comparações.
When you think of a summer house you can not imagine that would be the Schönbrunn but thinking of that functionality made Empress Maria Theresa built it, she had sixteen children and more than any other monarch needed something this grand. It all started with a small hunting lodge and on to another palace which Leopold I had designed for his son but the father of Maria Theresa decided to give it to her and she took advantage to turn it in what is now called "Versailles of Vienna". And it is inevitable not to make comparisons.
When you think of a summer house you can not imagine that would be the Schönbrunn but thinking of that functionality made Empress Maria Theresa built it, she had sixteen children and more than any other monarch needed something this grand. It all started with a small hunting lodge and on to another palace which Leopold I had designed for his son but the father of Maria Theresa decided to give it to her and she took advantage to turn it in what is now called "Versailles of Vienna". And it is inevitable not to make comparisons.

Visitámos os apartamentos imperiais, tanto de Maria Teresa como de Sissi e se o seu exterior é grandioso, o interior demonstra ainda mais o poder dos Habsburgo e a riqueza que geriam. Não se podia tirar fotos no seu interior o que é uma pena, algumas das salas mais interessantes são por exemplo a Grande Galeria lugar que apareceu no primeiro filme de Sissi e onde o imperador declara que a prefere á sua irmã. Esse grande salão de baile tem o seu maior tesouro nos tectos pintados com frescos. Dizem que foi na extraordinária sala dos Espelhos, que Mozart com apenas cinco anos tocou em 1762 para a corte liderada pela imperatriz. Além disso podemos ver o quarto de Napoleão, que foi casado com María Luísa (bisneta de Maria Teresa) e da qual teve um filho, Napoleão II que morreu neste palácio.
Visited the imperial apartments, both of Maria Theresa as Sissi and if its exterior is grand, the interior further demonstrates the power of the Habsburgs and wealth who ran. I could not take pictures inside which is a shame. Some of the most interesting rooms are for example the Great Place Gallery which appeared in the first Sissi movie and where the emperor declares that he prefers Elizabeth over her sister. This grand ballroom has its greatest treasure in the frescoed ceilings. They say it was in the extraordinary Hall of Mirrors that Mozart played with only five years in 1762 for the court led by the Empress. Also we can see the Napoleon Room, he was married to María Luisa (great-granddaughter of Maria Theresa) and with whom he had a son, Napoleon II who died in this palace.
Visited the imperial apartments, both of Maria Theresa as Sissi and if its exterior is grand, the interior further demonstrates the power of the Habsburgs and wealth who ran. I could not take pictures inside which is a shame. Some of the most interesting rooms are for example the Great Place Gallery which appeared in the first Sissi movie and where the emperor declares that he prefers Elizabeth over her sister. This grand ballroom has its greatest treasure in the frescoed ceilings. They say it was in the extraordinary Hall of Mirrors that Mozart played with only five years in 1762 for the court led by the Empress. Also we can see the Napoleon Room, he was married to María Luisa (great-granddaughter of Maria Theresa) and with whom he had a son, Napoleon II who died in this palace.

Os extensos jardins do Palácio merecem uma visita, na realidade é preciso quase um dia inteiro para o explorar Schönbrunn ao detalhe, a vantagem é que tem um bom restaurante onde comer que permite fazer uma pausa. Como fomos no Inverno o parterre não tinha flores além de que o seu famoso labirinto estava fechada, mas foi possível ver as ruínas romanas, a Gloriette donde melhor se pode ver o palácio e onde há um pequeno café e a fonte de Neptuno que também proporciona uma excelente vista. Os jardins contêm ainda um Jardim Zoológico.
The extensive grounds of the Palace are worth a visit, in fact it takes almost a whole day to explore the Schönbrunn to detail, the advantage is that it has a good restaurant where you can eat allowing a pause to rest. As we went in winter the parterre had no flowers and also its famous maze was closed, but it was possible to see the Roman ruins, the Gloriette that has the best view over palace and where there is a small cafe and the Neptune fountain also provides a great view. The gardens also contain an Zoo.
The extensive grounds of the Palace are worth a visit, in fact it takes almost a whole day to explore the Schönbrunn to detail, the advantage is that it has a good restaurant where you can eat allowing a pause to rest. As we went in winter the parterre had no flowers and also its famous maze was closed, but it was possible to see the Roman ruins, the Gloriette that has the best view over palace and where there is a small cafe and the Neptune fountain also provides a great view. The gardens also contain an Zoo.

Website: http://www.schoenbrunn.at/en.html
Entrada: 28€ bilhete combinado com o Hofburg e com acesso ao Gran Tour o que significa que vimos todos os apartamentos
Metro: Schönbrunn - é possível ir de metro uma vez que fica muito perto do centro, recomendo comprar o bilhete ida-volta porque a estação é pequena e junta-se muita gente para comprar bilhete.
Não se pode tirar fotos no interior
Não se pode tirar fotos no interior
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