Entrei no Castelo de Caen á espera de ver o normal: muralhas, uma torre de menagem, ruínas, algum canhão e com sorte um pequeno museu ou salas preservadas, não defraudou mas aqui encontras muito mais que isso, no seu interior estão dois museus importantes o de Belas Artes e o da Normandia. Um sobrevivente da Guerra dos Cem Anos e da Segunda Guerra Mundial mas não sem mazelas que foram sendo recuperadas ao longo de estes anos.
I entered the Château de Caen waiting to see the usual: walls, a tower, ruins, some cannons and hopefully a small museum or preserved rooms, not defrauded but you will find that here there is huch more than that, inside are two important museums the Fine Arts and the Normandy. A survivor of the War of the Hundred Years and the Second World War but not without blemishes that have been recovered over the years.
Follow our path to get to the Échiquier de Normandie (public treasury) building where we can see a small exhibition celebrating the last fifty years of archaeological discoveries and what failed for me it that it would tell more about its importance since here was discussed the future of the kingdom during the Middle Ages. They say that it was established by Rollo, a Viking who became the first Duke of Normandy.
Website: http://www.caen-tourisme.fr/en/discover-caen/william-the-conqueror/the-ducal-castel
I entered the Château de Caen waiting to see the usual: walls, a tower, ruins, some cannons and hopefully a small museum or preserved rooms, not defrauded but you will find that here there is huch more than that, inside are two important museums the Fine Arts and the Normandy. A survivor of the War of the Hundred Years and the Second World War but not without blemishes that have been recovered over the years.

Ao entrar o primeiro que vemos é o Museu das Belas Artes, fundado no século XIX foi completamente destruído em 1944 durante um ataque dos Aliadas enquanto os Nazis ocupavam a região. Nos anos setenta instalou-se aqui com um edificio moderno protegido pelas muralhas do Castelo e dando-lhe uma outra vida, é também pela sua presença que durante o nosso passeio encontremos várias esculturas ou trabalhos artísticos como um museu ao ar livre. Conta igualmente com uma agradável esplanada que enche aos fins de semana e com dias mais quentes.
O outro Museu é Normandie dedicado á região contém peças arqueológicas entre outras que contam a sua história e a do seu povo.
Upon entering the first thing we see is the Museum of Fine Arts, founded in the nineteenth century was completely destroyed in 1944 during an attack by the Allies as the Nazis occupied the area. In the seventies it settled here with a modern building protected by the castle walls and giving it another life, it is also because of their presence during our walk we find several sculptures and artwork as an outdoor museum. It also has a nice terrace that fills up on weekends and with warm weather.
The other museum is dedicated to the Normandie region contains archaeological pieces and others that tell its history and its people.
Upon entering the first thing we see is the Museum of Fine Arts, founded in the nineteenth century was completely destroyed in 1944 during an attack by the Allies as the Nazis occupied the area. In the seventies it settled here with a modern building protected by the castle walls and giving it another life, it is also because of their presence during our walk we find several sculptures and artwork as an outdoor museum. It also has a nice terrace that fills up on weekends and with warm weather.
The other museum is dedicated to the Normandie region contains archaeological pieces and others that tell its history and its people.

Museu das Belas Artes

Museu da Normandia

Passámos depois pela Igreja de Saint-Georges, fundada na época de Guilherme o Conquistador (século XI) e hoje é um espaço multifunções que serve de acolhimento aos que visitam o castelo e procuram informação sobre o espaço, é uma loja e livraria além de conter uma réplica do castelo na época medieval.
We passed after by the Church of Saint-Georges, founded in the time of William the Conqueror (eleventh century) and is now a multi-purpose space that serves as host to visiting the castle and seek information on the area, is also a shop and bookstore and contains a replica of the castle in medieval times.
We passed after by the Church of Saint-Georges, founded in the time of William the Conqueror (eleventh century) and is now a multi-purpose space that serves as host to visiting the castle and seek information on the area, is also a shop and bookstore and contains a replica of the castle in medieval times.

Seguimos caminho para chegar edificio do Erário Público (Échiquier de Normandie) onde podemos ver uma pequena exposição celebrando os últimos cinquenta anos de descobertas arqueológicas e onde para mim faltou que contasse mais sobre a sua importância já que aqui se discutia o futuro do reino durante a Idade Média. Dizem que foi establecido por Rollo, um viking que se transformou no primeiro duque da Normandia.
Follow our path to get to the Échiquier de Normandie (public treasury) building where we can see a small exhibition celebrating the last fifty years of archaeological discoveries and what failed for me it that it would tell more about its importance since here was discussed the future of the kingdom during the Middle Ages. They say that it was established by Rollo, a Viking who became the first Duke of Normandy.

Ao lado estão as ruínas do antigo Paço Ducal onde viveu Guilherme o Conquistador que obrigam a puxar pela imaginação e daqui subimos até ás Muralhas onde temos umas boas vistas sobre Caen e também sobre o resto do Castelo.
Next to it the ruins of the ancient Ducal Palace where William the Conqueror lived which now require a bit of imagination and hence climbed up the Walls where we have a good view of Caen and also on the rest of the castle.
Next to it the ruins of the ancient Ducal Palace where William the Conqueror lived which now require a bit of imagination and hence climbed up the Walls where we have a good view of Caen and also on the rest of the castle.

Website: http://www.caen-tourisme.fr/en/discover-caen/william-the-conqueror/the-ducal-castel
Our guide of
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