Esta elegante passagem liga duas ruas do centro de Viena: a Freyung e a Herrengasse, dizem que entrou em decadência e que os lojistas fugiram de aqui mas depois de ter sido reabilitado é agora um lugar com um toque mágico. Entrámos pelo o lado do Palácio de Ferstel o mesmo nome do arquiteto que o criou no século XIX e que foi o autor da Votivkirche, uma igreja criada depois do atentado ao Imperador Francisco José I.
This elegant passage connects two Vienna downtown streets: the Freyung and Herrengasse, they say it fell into decay and shopkeepers fled from here but after being rehabilitated is now a place with a magical touch. We entered by the side of the Ferstel Palace the name of the architect who created it in the nineteenth century and was the author of the Votivkirche, a church established after the attempt to Emperor Franz Joseph I.

Tanto no exterior como o interior fazem lembrar um palácio italiano, no pátio encontramos uma fonte coroada com uma estátua de Donaunixen-brunnen ou uma ninfa do rio Danúbio, aqui podemos ver á direita uma entrada para o Palácio e do lado esquerdo está a famosa passagem onde podemos tomar um café numa esplanada sem temer o frio ou mau tempo. Outro café que podemos visitar é o Café Central que fica fora da passagem mas é um dos mais famosos da cidade com mais de cento e trinta anos e que no século XIX foi um dos cafés escolhidos (para além do Griendsteidl) para a Jung Wien, um grupo de jovens escritores que se reunia aqui. O seu interior é extraordinário e vale a pena visitar porque segue a mesma linha decorativa que Ferstel aplicou em todo o edificio. Mesmo á saída uma loja captou a nossa atenção, a Xocolat e dá para perceber porquê - é o paraíso do chocolate feito em Viena.
Both outside and inside remind an Italian palace, in the courtyard we find a fountain crowned with a Donaunixen-Brunnen statue or a nymph of the river Danube, here we can see on the right the entrance to the Palace and the left side is the famous passage where we can have a coffee on a terrace without fearing the cold or bad weather. Another coffee that we can visit is the Central Café which is just outside of the passage but is one of the most famous of the city over hundred and thirty years and that in the nineteenth century was one of the chosen coffees (besides the Griendsteidl) for the Jung Wien , a group of young writers who met here. Its interior is remarkable and worth visiting because it follows the same decorative line Ferstel applied throughout the building. While going out a store captured our attention, Xocolat and you can see why - it's the chocolate paradise made in Vienna.

Website: http://www.palaisevents.at/en/palais-ferstel.html
Metro: Herrengasse
This elegant passage connects two Vienna downtown streets: the Freyung and Herrengasse, they say it fell into decay and shopkeepers fled from here but after being rehabilitated is now a place with a magical touch. We entered by the side of the Ferstel Palace the name of the architect who created it in the nineteenth century and was the author of the Votivkirche, a church established after the attempt to Emperor Franz Joseph I.

Both outside and inside remind an Italian palace, in the courtyard we find a fountain crowned with a Donaunixen-Brunnen statue or a nymph of the river Danube, here we can see on the right the entrance to the Palace and the left side is the famous passage where we can have a coffee on a terrace without fearing the cold or bad weather. Another coffee that we can visit is the Central Café which is just outside of the passage but is one of the most famous of the city over hundred and thirty years and that in the nineteenth century was one of the chosen coffees (besides the Griendsteidl) for the Jung Wien , a group of young writers who met here. Its interior is remarkable and worth visiting because it follows the same decorative line Ferstel applied throughout the building. While going out a store captured our attention, Xocolat and you can see why - it's the chocolate paradise made in Vienna.

Website: http://www.palaisevents.at/en/palais-ferstel.html
Metro: Herrengasse
Our guide of
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