Comecei a ver um burburinho na blogosfera madrilenha sobre um restaurante de um dono português e com um chef galego além disso com fotos interessantes de alguns pratos que reconhecemos e de uma decoração interior moderna como se tivesse aberto algo novo em Lisboa mas felizmente está mais perto de nós na Ventura de la Vega em pleno bairro das Letras. Foi uma excelente descoberta, não é um restaurante português convencional, adapta-se perfeitamente á cidade onde está com uma cozinha onde o bacalhau á brás marca presença mas nem sequer é o melhor prato. Chegámos a trocar umas palavras com o dono, o Nuno que para espalha a sua simpatia pela sala assim como todos os que ali trabalham.
I began to see a buzz in Madrid's blogosphere about a restaurant of a Portuguese owner and a Galician chef also with interesting photos of some dishes that we recognize and modern interior design as if it had opened something new in Lisbon but fortunately is closer to we in Ventura de la Vega right in the Barrio de las Letras. It was a great discovery, is not a conventional Portuguese restaurant, adapts perfectly to the city where you are with a kitchen where Bacalhau a Bras (cod with eggs and potatoes) is present but is not even the best dish. We came to have a word with the owner, Nuno that to spread its sympathy thoughout the room as well as all those who work there.
Website: http://www.atlantikcorner.com
Morada: Calle Ventura de la Vega 11-13
Metro: Sevilla ou Antón Martin
I began to see a buzz in Madrid's blogosphere about a restaurant of a Portuguese owner and a Galician chef also with interesting photos of some dishes that we recognize and modern interior design as if it had opened something new in Lisbon but fortunately is closer to we in Ventura de la Vega right in the Barrio de las Letras. It was a great discovery, is not a conventional Portuguese restaurant, adapts perfectly to the city where you are with a kitchen where Bacalhau a Bras (cod with eggs and potatoes) is present but is not even the best dish. We came to have a word with the owner, Nuno that to spread its sympathy thoughout the room as well as all those who work there.

E de repente no Atlantik Corner sentimo-nos em casa e mais ainda quando a cerveja que te trazem é Super Bock, no cesto de pão tens broa de milho e para começar pedimos umas pastéis de bacalhau. Uma nota especial para o paté de pato que acompanhava o pão estava realmente bom e é uma excelente alternativa ao tradicional de atum. Depois das pastéis aprovadas pelo marido, um grande critico já que a avó, segundo ele elabora os melhores do mundo, veio o bacalhau á brás que é uma excelente opção para os que sentimos saudades deste prato ou mesmo os espanhóis que lhe ganharam carinho. Pedimos depois uns tacos de carne que não foi o melhor prato do dia também porque será sempre difícil superar o de Carabinero al Carbón com Cous Cous e molho de caril, uma explosão de sabores onde o mar e o picante do molho de caril se unem na perfeição.
Ainda tivémos coragem de pedir sobremesa e que bom que o fizémos porque assim descobrimos uma das melhores mousses de chocolate que comemos nos últimos tempos. Pedimos também o Créme brulée que estava bom mas era uma sombra da outra sobremesa. A refeição pode custar entre 25€-30€ por pessoa mas saímos com uma boa experiência. E queremos repetir.
And suddenly in Atlantik Corner you feel at home and even more so when the beer is Super Bock (portuguese Brand), the bread basket has corn bread and we get to order codfish cakes. A special note for the duck pate that accompanied the bread that was really good and is a great alternative to traditional tuna ones. After the cakes approved by her husband, a great "conocer" as his grandmother makes the world's best, came Bacalhau á bras which is an excellent option for those of us who miss this dish or even the Spanish who begin to have some affection for it. We ordered after some steak tacos that was not the best dish of the day also because it will always be difficult to overcome the carabinero al Carbón with Cous Cous and curry sauce, an explosion of flavors where the sea and the spicy curry sauce unite in perfection.We still had the courage to order dessert and were glad that we did because then we found one of the best chocolate mousses we had recently. We also ordered the Créme Brulee which was good but was a shadow of the another dessert. The meal can cost between 25 € -30 € per person but we left with a good experience. And I want to repeat.
And suddenly in Atlantik Corner you feel at home and even more so when the beer is Super Bock (portuguese Brand), the bread basket has corn bread and we get to order codfish cakes. A special note for the duck pate that accompanied the bread that was really good and is a great alternative to traditional tuna ones. After the cakes approved by her husband, a great "conocer" as his grandmother makes the world's best, came Bacalhau á bras which is an excellent option for those of us who miss this dish or even the Spanish who begin to have some affection for it. We ordered after some steak tacos that was not the best dish of the day also because it will always be difficult to overcome the carabinero al Carbón with Cous Cous and curry sauce, an explosion of flavors where the sea and the spicy curry sauce unite in perfection.We still had the courage to order dessert and were glad that we did because then we found one of the best chocolate mousses we had recently. We also ordered the Créme Brulee which was good but was a shadow of the another dessert. The meal can cost between 25 € -30 € per person but we left with a good experience. And I want to repeat.

Website: http://www.atlantikcorner.com
Morada: Calle Ventura de la Vega 11-13
Metro: Sevilla ou Antón Martin
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