O nosso segundo dia em Paris começa por um passeio no Jardim do Luxemburgo que fica relativamente perto do nosso hotel e pareceu ficar ainda mais graças ás bicicletas que alugámos.
Entrámos pela "Porte Fleurus" que fica do lado esquerdo se olharmos para o mapa. Seguimos o largo caminho que une essa porta ao Palácio do Luxemburgo que fica na ponte oposta.
Our second day in Paris begins with a walk in the Luxembourg Gardens which is relatively close to our hotel and seemed to get even closer thanks to the bikes that we rented.
We have entered by the "Porte Fleurus" which is on the left if you look at the map. We follow the wide path that connects the door to the Luxembourg Palace that sits on the opposite bridge.
We have entered by the "Porte Fleurus" which is on the left if you look at the map. We follow the wide path that connects the door to the Luxembourg Palace that sits on the opposite bridge.

Por ele encontramos várias pessoas a praticar desporto, como "jogging" ou a aproveitar os campos de ténis, voleibol e basquetebol disponíveis, havia também muita gente a fazer "tai-chi" o que me surpreendeu bastante.
Mas nem só de desporto vive o jardim, uma outra actividade a pensar nos mais pequenos é um passeio de póneis, além de um carrousel e de um parque infantil.
In it found several people playing sports, jogging or enjoying the tennis, volleyball and basketball courts available, there were also a lot of people doing "tai-chi" which surprised me greatly.
But not just of sports lives this garden, another activity thinking in the smaller ones was a pony ride, plus a carousel and a playground.
But not just of sports lives this garden, another activity thinking in the smaller ones was a pony ride, plus a carousel and a playground.

>>> Aula de Tai-Chi

Começamos depois a ver o Palácio do Luxemburgo, construído no século XVII. Maria de Médicis, a viúva do Rei Henrique IV, manda construir o Palácio pedindo aos arquitectos para o desenharem como o Palácio Pitti, onde tinha passado grande parte da sua vida antes de se casar com o Rei de França.
Desde o seu exilio, o Palácio teve um grande número de proprietários e usos. Hoje por exemplo, funciona como sede do Senado Francês, mas na época da Revolução foi uma prisão e até durante a II Guerra Mundial foi ocupado pelos nazis.
O belo Palácio é sem dúvida a figura central do jardim, assim como o enorme lago que está junto a ele.
After we began to see the Luxembourg Palace, built in the seventeenth century. Maria de Medici, the widow of King Henry IV, ordered the construction of the Palace asking architects to it as the Pitti Palace, where she had spent most of her life before she married the King of France.
Since their exile, the palace had a large number of owners and uses. Today for example, it is used as headquarters of the French Senate, but at the time of the Revolution it was a prison and even during World War II it was occupied by the Nazis.
The beautiful palace is undoubtedly the central figure of the garden, as well as the huge lake that is beside him.
Since their exile, the palace had a large number of owners and uses. Today for example, it is used as headquarters of the French Senate, but at the time of the Revolution it was a prison and even during World War II it was occupied by the Nazis.
The beautiful palace is undoubtedly the central figure of the garden, as well as the huge lake that is beside him.

Juntamente com o Palácio, o lago é a principal atracção do jardim e onde vemos maior afluência de pessoas. Para além de podemos ver os patos que por lá vão nadando, podemos também alugar um barco (em miniatura) e tentar perseguir os patos utilizando as nossas melhores técnicas de navegação por controlo remoto.
Uma outra actividade muito popular á volta do lago é...o banho de sol, devidamente acompanhado de um bom livro.
E o jardim está equipado para isso, tem espalhadas várias cadeiras de metal com dois modelos, um com as costas mais reclinadas e outro com as costas direitas, vimos gente a bronzear-se, a ler o jornal ou um livro e muitos a tomarem ali o seu pequeno-almoço.
Together with the Palace, the lake is the main attraction of the garden and where we see greater influx of people. Apart from that we can see the ducks go swimming there, we can also rent a boat (miniature) and try to chase the ducks using our best navigation techniques by remote control.
Another very popular activity around the lake is ... sunbathing, well accompanied by a good book.
And the garden is equipped for it, has several metal chairs spread around with two models, one with the back reclined and another with a straight back, we saw people trying to get a tan, reading the newspaper or a book and there are many to take their breakfast here.
Another very popular activity around the lake is ... sunbathing, well accompanied by a good book.
And the garden is equipped for it, has several metal chairs spread around with two models, one with the back reclined and another with a straight back, we saw people trying to get a tan, reading the newspaper or a book and there are many to take their breakfast here.

Outros pontos de grande interesse são as numerosas estátuas espalhadas por todo o jardim, umas representando rainhas de França e outra, uma das mais conhecidas do mundo, a da Liberdade, aquela que é o simbolo de Nova Iorque mas que foi desenhada por um francês (Bartholdi) e oferecida aos norte-americanos. Assim, e na impossibilidade de ir a Nova Iorque podemos sempre tirar uma foto nesta réplica.
Other points of great interest are the numerous statues scattered throughout the garden, each representing queens of France and another, one of the world's best known, the Liberty, that is the symbol of New York but it was designed by a Frenchman (Bartholdi) and offered to the Americans. Thus, unable to go to New York we always take a picture of this replica.

Uma das estátuas de Rainhas de França que estava no jardim era esta de Mary of Stuart, também conhecida como Rainha da Escócia e acusada pela Rainha Isabel I de Inglaterra, de traição, que levou á sua execução.
Saímos depois pela porta de St. Michel, onde reparei nos paineis presos á vedação do jardim. Era uma exposição de fotografias que achei muito boa, só tive pena que estivessem ali e não dentro do próprio jardim, mas já é bom ver tal iniciativa.
One of the statues of Queens of France that were in the garden was this of Mary Stuart, also known as Queen of Scotland and accused by Queen Elizabeth I of England of treason, which led to its execution.
We left the park through the door of St. Michel, where we noticed the panels in it's fence. It was an exhibition of photographs that I found very good, just a pity that it was here and not inside the garden, but it's nice to see such an initiative.
We left the park through the door of St. Michel, where we noticed the panels in it's fence. It was an exhibition of photographs that I found very good, just a pity that it was here and not inside the garden, but it's nice to see such an initiative.

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