Chegar até Leeds é um desafio, aterrámos em Manchester e alugámos um carro para chegar até lá. Demorámos uma hora o que não é muito e conseguimos sobreviver ao facto de se conduzir do lado direito em vez do esquerdo.
Escolhemos a melhor semana para ir a Leeds a trabalho (aliás fomos a Birstall) porque foi justamente na semana passada ou seja, em plenos distúrbios em Londres e outras cidades inglesas, como a vizinha, Manchester. Surgiram rumores de que Leeds seria outra das cidades a ser atacada por grupos de delinquentes dispostos a tudo para roubar umas t-shirts de marca ou um LCD. Ainda assim saio do hotel, sozinha (os restantes preferiram descansar...) e vou explorar a cidade.
Getting to Leeds is a challenge, we landed in Manchester and we rented a car to get there. It took us one hour which is not much and managed to survive the fact that they drive on the right side instead of the left.
We chose the best week to go to Leeds to work (we actually went to Birstall) because it was just last week that is in full riots in London and other English cities, like neighboring Manchester. There were rumors that Leeds would be another of the cities to be attacked by groups of criminals willing to do anything to steal some t-shirts brand or an LCD. Still I left the hotel alone (the remaining preferred to rest ...) and I explored the city.
We chose the best week to go to Leeds to work (we actually went to Birstall) because it was just last week that is in full riots in London and other English cities, like neighboring Manchester. There were rumors that Leeds would be another of the cities to be attacked by groups of criminals willing to do anything to steal some t-shirts brand or an LCD. Still I left the hotel alone (the remaining preferred to rest ...) and I explored the city.

Estávamos no Hilton Leeds City Center, a poucos metros do centro e colado á estação. Começo a percorrer as ruas de Leeds e vejo que tudo está relativamente calmo, era dia de jogo da equipa local por isso todos estavam a sair do centro em direcção ao estádio. O único senão foi mesmo as lojas fechadas porque de resto estava um excelente dia para passear.
Começo pela Wellington Street onde vejo o impressionante edificio do The Queens Hotel, bastante bem guardado pelos policias que temiam actos de violência. Este hotel de 4 estrelas, totalmente remodelado foi construído em 1937.
We stayed in the Hilton Leeds City Centre, just a few meters from the center and next to the train station. Start walking the streets of Leeds and see that everything is relatively quiet, it was game day for the local team so everyone was going from the center towards the stadium. The only drawback was that the shops were closed because the rest was a great day for sightseeing.
I start by Wellington Street where I see the impressive building of The Queens Hotel, very well guarded by police who feared violence. This 4-star hotel, completely renovated was built in 1937.
I start by Wellington Street where I see the impressive building of The Queens Hotel, very well guarded by police who feared violence. This 4-star hotel, completely renovated was built in 1937.

Logo em frente o antigo edificio dos Correios na City Square, construído na era vitoriana respeitando o seu típico traçado arquitectónico. No piso térreo funciona um restaurante, onde ficámos de jantar mas por causa dos rumores acabaram por cancelar a mesa e muitos fecharam mais cedo.
Os correios instalaram-se noutro edificio da cidade e hoje é possível passar uma noite num dos 23 apartamentos do Residence 6, alojamento de luxo no coração de Leeds.
Just in front the old Post Office building in City Square, built in the Victorian era respecting it's typical architectural design. On the ground floor is a restaurant where we were suppose to have dinner but because of the rumors we ended up canceling the table and many closed early.
The posts were installed in another building of the city and today it is possible to spend a night in one of 23 apartments at Residence 6, luxury accommodation in the heart of Leeds.
The posts were installed in another building of the city and today it is possible to spend a night in one of 23 apartments at Residence 6, luxury accommodation in the heart of Leeds.

Junto ao edificio está a estátua equestre de Eduardo, o Príncipe Negro. Começo a subir a Park Row e do meu lado direito vejo a Mill Hill Chapel, uma igreja unitarista com base nas religiões cristã e judaica.
Next to this building there's a equestrian statue of Edward, the Black Prince. I go up the Park Row and in my right side I see the Mill Hill Chapel, a unitarian church based on two religions: christian and jewish.

Continuo a subir a rua e de ambos os lados vejo restaurantes e pubs, algumas lojas e pouca gente. Entro depois na The Headrow, a principal avenida da cidade que estava igualmente tranquila. Um dos primeiro edificios que vejo é o da Art Gallery, o museu de arte da cidade, que contém pinturas do século XIX e XX.
Keep going up the street and on both sides I see restaurants and pubs, a few shops and little people. I then got on The Headrow, the main avenue of the city that was equally quiet. One of the first buildings you see is the Art Gallery, the art museum of the city, which contains paintings of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Descendo a rua, atravessando a Calverley St. chegamos á Leeds Town Hall. Construída em 1858, também ela com o seu estilo vitoriano, funciona hoje em dia como cartório, utilizado essencialmente para celebrar casamentos e também alguns eventos oficiais, culturais ou musicais. A rua estava relativamente tranquila e com pouco comércio aberto, decido voltar ao hotel.
Down the street, across the St. Calverley we arrive at the Leeds Town Hall. Built in 1858, it too with its Victorian style, works today as notary, essentially used to celebrate weddings and also some official events, cultural or musical. The street was relatively quiet, with little open trade so I decided to return to the hotel.

Saímos depois para jantar numa zona reabilitada que está junto ao rio Aire e ao fundo víamos o Bridgewater Place, um dos edificios mais altos da cidade que funciona tanto para escritórios como para habitação.
We went out for dinner in a rehabilitated area which is by the River Aire and at the end we saw the Bridgewater Place, one of the tallest buildings in the city that works for both offices and housing.

Jantámos num restaurante de rodizio brasileiro, o Fazenda. Os restantes queriam carne e depois de termos jantado no dia anterior num típico pub achámos por bem experimentar algo diferente, além de que para mim foi uma oportunidade de falar português num ambiente tão internacional, o nosso empregado era suiço, os que serviam a carne eram brasileiros e com os meus colegas tinha que falar espanhol.
A zona tinha uma boa mistura de edificios antigos com novos.
We had dinner in a Brazilian rodizio restaurant called the Fazenda. The remaining wanted meat and after we had dined the day before in a typical pub we thought of trying something different, and for me it was an opportunity to speak Portuguese as an international environment, our employee was Swiss, the ones serving the meat were Brazilian and my colleagues had to speak Spanish.
The area had a good mix of old buildings with new.
The area had a good mix of old buildings with new.

Gostei de Leeds apesar de ter visto muito pouco, espero voltar com mais tempo.
I loved Leeds although I know so little of it, I hope to come back with more time.
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