São dois os edificios que tornam esta praça uma das mais agradáveis de Bordéus, o Grand Théâtre e o Grand Hotel. Majestosos exemplos de arquitectura clássica do final do século XVIII e que estão em excelente estado de conservação. Ambos partilharam o mesmo arquitecto: Victor Louis, o mesmo que desenhou as galerias do Palais-Royal em Paris. O Grand Hotel ainda hoje funciona como Regent, é um dos mais luxuosos da cidade e é também um SPA. Um dos seus mais ilustres hóspedes foi Victor Hugo.
There are two buildings that make this square one of the nicest of Bordeaux, the Grand Theatre and the Grand Hotel. Majestic examples of classical architecture from the late eighteenth century and are in excellent condition. Both shared the same architect Victor Louis, the same who designed the galleries of the Palais-Royal in Paris. The Grand Hotel still acts as Regent, is one of the most luxurious of the city and is also a SPA. One of its most illustrious guests was Victor Hugo.
There are two buildings that make this square one of the nicest of Bordeaux, the Grand Theatre and the Grand Hotel. Majestic examples of classical architecture from the late eighteenth century and are in excellent condition. Both shared the same architect Victor Louis, the same who designed the galleries of the Palais-Royal in Paris. The Grand Hotel still acts as Regent, is one of the most luxurious of the city and is also a SPA. One of its most illustrious guests was Victor Hugo.

O Grande Teatro de Bordéus foi construído também no final do século XVIII e inaugurado a 1780. No topo da sua imponente fachada estão doze estátuas, nove são de musas e três de deusas. Nele funcionam a Ópera Nacional de Bordéus assim como o corpo de Ballet com o mesmo nome.
The Bordeaux Grand Theatre was also built in the late eighteenth century and inaugurated on 1780. At the top of its imposing facade are twelve statues, nine are of muses and three goddesses. It works the Bordeaux National Opera as the body of Ballet with the same name.
The Bordeaux Grand Theatre was also built in the late eighteenth century and inaugurated on 1780. At the top of its imposing facade are twelve statues, nine are of muses and three goddesses. It works the Bordeaux National Opera as the body of Ballet with the same name.

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