Caminhando pela Rua Mayor encontramos a Casa das Conchas, que hoje funciona como biblioteca e posto de turismo.
Construída no séculos XV e XVI, era propriedade de Don Rodrigo Maldonado de Talavera um cavaleiro da Ordem de Santiago cujo escudo continha uma concha. Foi reitor da Universidade de Salamanca e membro do Conselho Real durante o reinado dos Reis Católicos. Segundo o Wikipedia, são 300 as conchas que decoram o edificio, preferimos acreditar neles que contá-las (se bem que não nos pareceram ser tantas).
Walking by Rua Mayor we found the House of Shells (Casa das Conchas), which now serves as a library and tourist office.
Built in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, was owned by Don Rodrigo Maldonado from Talavera a knight of the Order of Santiago whose coat of arms contained a shell. He was dean of the University of Salamanca and a member of the Royal Council during the reign of the Catholic Kings. According to Wikipedia, there are 300 shells that decorate the building, we prefer to believe them than to count them (although it did not seem to be many).
Built in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, was owned by Don Rodrigo Maldonado from Talavera a knight of the Order of Santiago whose coat of arms contained a shell. He was dean of the University of Salamanca and a member of the Royal Council during the reign of the Catholic Kings. According to Wikipedia, there are 300 shells that decorate the building, we prefer to believe them than to count them (although it did not seem to be many).
Na fachada que dá para a Rua Mayor, temos a entrada para o posto de turismo e as janelas simplesmente adornadas com uma concha por cima.
Na outra do lado da Universidade já podemos ver a porta e as janelas trabalhadas com vários elementos decorativos para além da presença do brasão da familia real espanhola assim como dos proprietários do Palácio, os Maldonado.
In façade that you can see from the Rua Mayor, there is the entrance to the tourist office and the windows simply adorned with one shell on top.
On the other side of the University we can already see the door and the windows worked with various decorative elements in addition to the presence of the Spanish royal family's coat of arms as well as the owners of the Palace, the Maldonado.
On the other side of the University we can already see the door and the windows worked with various decorative elements in addition to the presence of the Spanish royal family's coat of arms as well as the owners of the Palace, the Maldonado.
Pode-se entrar e visitar apenas o pátio interior, já que o resta funciona como biblioteca pública.
You can get in and visit the inner courtyard, as the remaining part is the public library.
Our guide of:
Salamanca é daquelas cidades onde sempre dá gosto regressar! Estamos a gostar de revisita-la!