A Ponte Vecchio foi o primeiro monumento que vimos em Florença, caminhámos quase 1,5km junto ao rio Arno para poder vê-la e a expectativa era grande. Só tivémos pena de uma coisa, faltou o sol. Pode não ser tão monumental como o Duomo mas o facto de estar ali desde o século XIV já te impressiona.
The Ponte Vecchio was the first monument we saw in Florence, we walked almost 1.5 kilometers along the river Arno to be able to see it and the expectation was great. We were only sorry about one thing, it wasn't a sunny day. It may not be as monumental as the Duomo but the fact that it is since the XIV century does impress you.
Três grandes arcos fazem a ligação entre as duas margens do rio Arno, por cima a construção um pouco desordenada das lojas faz dela um lugar único em Florença. Onde antes se vendia carne agora vendem-se jóias.
Uma placa com um texto de Dante faz alusão a um episódio da história da cidade no século XIII em que um jovem florentino Buondelmonte de' Buendelmonti foi assassinato nesta ponte, depois de ter recusado casar com uma mulher da familia Amidei e declarar-se a outra de uma familia rival.
Ao centro está o busto do artista Benvenuto Cellini, responsável por algumas esculturas como a de Perseus e a cabeça da Medusa que podemos ver na Loggia dei Lanzi.
Felizmente, hoje podemos vê-la é porque foi a única que sobreviveu á Segunda Guerra Mundial, dizem que Hitler ficou tão impressionado com ela que ordenou que se mantivesse mas destruiu todas as demais.
Passámos por ela varias vezes enquanto estivémos em Florença e em nenhum momento deixou de ser especial e sempre fotografava algum detalhe que via interesante.
Three large arches form a link between the two banks of the river Arno, over it the cluttered built stores make it a unique place in Florence. Where before meat was sold now it's jewelry.
A plaque with a text of Dante alludes to an episode in the history of the city in the thirteenth century when a young Florentine Buondelmonte de Buendelmonti was murdered in this bridge, after refusing to marry a woman of the family Amidei and declare it to another of a rival family.
At the center there is a bust of the artist Benvenuto Cellini, responsible for some famous sculptures such as Perseus and Medusa's head that we see in the Loggia dei Lanzi.
Fortunately, today we can see this bridge because it was the only one that survived World War II some say that Hitler was so impressed with it that he ordered the destruction of all the others but this one.
We passed by it several times while we were in Florence and at no time it ceased to be special and I was always photographing some interesting detail that would see in it.
A plaque with a text of Dante alludes to an episode in the history of the city in the thirteenth century when a young Florentine Buondelmonte de Buendelmonti was murdered in this bridge, after refusing to marry a woman of the family Amidei and declare it to another of a rival family.
At the center there is a bust of the artist Benvenuto Cellini, responsible for some famous sculptures such as Perseus and Medusa's head that we see in the Loggia dei Lanzi.
Fortunately, today we can see this bridge because it was the only one that survived World War II some say that Hitler was so impressed with it that he ordered the destruction of all the others but this one.
We passed by it several times while we were in Florence and at no time it ceased to be special and I was always photographing some interesting detail that would see in it.
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