Atravessar a Ponte Carlos significa caminhar num lugar que se construiu no século XIV e que sobreviveu até hoje a inundações e guerras. Esse passeio ajuda a contar um pouco da história de Praga, da união entre a cidade antiga onde podemos ver o Castelo e a Lesser Town, na outra margem do rio Moldava.
Diria que a melhor hora para a visitar será ao principio do dia mas se queres ver gente, os artistas de rua que também deram fama a esta ponte, podes ir a qualquer hora.
Crossing the Charles Bridge means walking on a place that was built in the fourteenth century and survived the floods and wars until today. This walk helps to tell a bit of the history of Prague, the union between the old city where we can see the Castle and the Lesser Town, the other side of the Vltava river.
I would say that the best time to visit is the beginning of the day but if you want to see people, the artists who also gave fame to this bridge, you can go anytime.
I would say that the best time to visit is the beginning of the day but if you want to see people, the artists who also gave fame to this bridge, you can go anytime.
Foi durante o reinado de Carlos IV que foi construída e por isso, na zona da Lesser Town podemos ver uma estátua do Rei junto á Torre por onde entrámos para ponte. Antes da Ponte Carlos estava uma outra construída no século XII que se chamava Ponte Judith dedicada á mulher do rei Vladislav I, uma inundação destruía e no mesmo lugar foi construída esta que hoje em dia é um marco histórico e turístico da cidade.
Ao percorrê-la passamos por cerca de trinta estátuas que representam santos e patronos da cidade. Uma das mais famosas é a de João Nepomuceno que se transformou num mártir depois de ter sido torturado e de o atirarem da ponte por se negar a revelar o que a Rainha Sofia mulher de Venceslau, rei de Boémia. A estátua foi colocado onde o atiraram ao rio e é hoje objecto de culto, aliás em muitas delas podemos ver as pessoas a tocarem as várias estátuas para expressar a sua devoção.
It was during the reign of Charles IV that was built and that's why in the area of the Lesser Town there is a statue of King near the Tower Bridge where we came in. Before Charles Bridge there was another one built in the twelfth century it was called Judith Bridge dedicated to the wife of King Vladislav I, a flood destroyed it and built in the same place is a landmark and tourist city.
Walking through it you pass around about thirty statues depicting saints and patrons of the city. One of the most famous is that of John of Nepomuk who became a martyr after being tortured and throwned from the bridge for refusing to reveal what the Queen Sofia wife of Wenceslaus, King of Bohemia. The statue was placed where they actually threw him to the river and is now the subject of worship, in fact we can see many people touching the various statues to express their devotion.
Walking through it you pass around about thirty statues depicting saints and patrons of the city. One of the most famous is that of John of Nepomuk who became a martyr after being tortured and throwned from the bridge for refusing to reveal what the Queen Sofia wife of Wenceslaus, King of Bohemia. The statue was placed where they actually threw him to the river and is now the subject of worship, in fact we can see many people touching the various statues to express their devotion.
Our guide:
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