A Chueca é um bairro cheio de carácter e dos mais animados da cidade. Tem uma excelente oferta de restaurantes e bares para além de lojas alternativas e originais.
Aqui está também o Mercado de San Antón que no segundo piso tem vários postos de comida que vão desde a regional como a galega, vasca passando pela internacional como a japonesa e a grega com uns cupcakes á mistura para adoçar a boca.
The Chueca district is full of character and is one of the liveliest of the city. It has an excellent range of restaurants and bars as well as shops that are unique and alternative.
Here is also the Mercado de San Antón that in the second floor has several food stands ranging from regional like Galician, Basque passing through internationally as Japanese and Greek with some cupcakes to sweeten the mouth.
Here is also the Mercado de San Antón that in the second floor has several food stands ranging from regional like Galician, Basque passing through internationally as Japanese and Greek with some cupcakes to sweeten the mouth.

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